Paintings, Little Cub, Spain, and..


This is an individual Web site where posting my paintings, about HONDA Little Cub, Spain and more.

In Those Days

No.6 Playing GORANGER.

  • anokoro6
  • Many of us have played as super heroes when we were children. My childhood heroes were Goranger and Kamen Rider (Masked Rider) Black RX. Why, you may wonder, did I lived in Spain? I imagined that when my family was invited to my father's bussiness associate's house, I watched a video of GORANGER(five rangers) playing on the TV at his house.

    I immediately became a fan of the GORANGER, and when I went to school, I immediately told to my friends and started playing GORANGER with them. As the one who initiated the idea, I, of course, played the role of the leader, the AKA-RANGER (Red Ranger). We used to call out AKA-RANGER !!, AO-RANGER !!(Blue Ranger), KI-RANGER !!(Yellow Ranger), Momo-RANGER !!(Pink Ranger), Mido-RANGER !!(Green Ranger), extending the right hand outstrech and thrust in front of our faces that is the familiar pose of the GORANGER.

    When I was in the lower grades of elementary school, there were several Japanese students at the same school, so I think I played GORANGER with my Japanese and Spanish friends. That was pretty fun.

Previous article: No.7 Playing with miniature cars.

Next article: No.5 Rubber-band jumping.

In Those Days

No.6 Playing GORANGER.

  • anokoro6
  • Many of us have played as super heroes when we were children. My childhood heroes were Goranger and Kamen Rider (Masked Rider) Black RX. Why, you may wonder, did I lived in Spain? I imagined that when my family was invited to my father's bussiness associate's house, I watched a video of GORANGER(five rangers) playing on the TV at his house.

    I immediately became a fan of the GORANGER, and when I went to school, I immediately told to my friends and started playing GORANGER with them. As the one who initiated the idea, I, of course, played the role of the leader, the AKA-RANGER (Red Ranger). We used to call out AKA-RANGER !!, AO-RANGER !!(Blue Ranger), KI-RANGER !!(Yellow Ranger), Momo-RANGER !!(Pink Ranger), Mido-RANGER !!(Green Ranger), extending the right hand outstrech and thrust in front of our faces that is the familiar pose of the GORANGER.

    When I was in the lower grades of elementary school, there were several Japanese students at the same school, so I think I played GORANGER with my Japanese and Spanish friends. That was pretty fun.

Previous article: No.7 Playing with miniature cars.

Next article: No.5 Rubber-band jumping.