Nintendo release the first GAMEBOY in 1989. Since I was living in Spain at the time, I looked up how I learned about the GAMEBOY and found that my grandparents living in Japan used to send me a monthly magazine Koro Koro Comic with another Japanese packages. In this comic was serialized a manga Attack!! GAMEBOY and perhaps I was reading the manga. In the Koro Koro Comic also was serialized the manga Dash!! Yonkuro that was a story about a MINI 4WD released by TAMIYA, and the comic was the hottest media connecting me and Japan.
Unfortunately(?), I had discovererd the GAMEBOY, impatiently, I wrote a letter to my grandmother asking her to send me a GAMEBOY. Not one, but two. I probably added my sister's, since I can't have two by myself. And I begged my grandmother no to tell my parents. My kind grandmother did me a favor and shipped my GAMEBOY to Spain by sea. There was only one, but of course I rejoiced.
Writing the article, I remember the excitement I felt when my GAMEBOY arrived. Open the box and taking out the GAMEBOY, I felt a certain responsive size, and when I held it, it fit in my hand just fine.
I think the game software that arrived together was SUPER MARIO, TETRIS and more. SUPER MARIO, for reasons unknown, could not save in the middle of the game, so I had to play all the way to clear. I still remember the BGM of SUPER MARIO. Chinese style music, Arabic style music, and cheerful music set in the sea. Other softwares I played a lot were MOTOCROSS MANIACS, TENNIS, HEIANKYO ALIEN, BASEBALL KIDS, BATMAN, ROCKMAN WORLD and SUPER MOMOTARO DENTETSU. I learned most of the rules of baseball, which is a minor sport in SPAIN, from BASEBALL KIDS, and learned the names of places in Japan from SUPER MOMOTARO DENTETSU. I learned the difficult place like Wakkanai (Hokkaido) and learned Japanese geography from Momotaro Dentetsu. That was awesome.
Of course, I took the GAMEBOY to school. It was not forbidden to bring video games to school unlike in Japan. At recess I played my GAMEBOY. I sat on the floor and took runs playing with my friends. When I get carried away (and I still do!!) I have a habit of sticking out my tongue, so I painted that too. Since the GAMEBOY had not been released in Spain, it pronouces gʌme-boɪ in Spanish, and I've made GAMEBOY a little fashionable. I remember once I was in trouble when an unknown upperclassman spotted me with a GAMEBOY and repeatedly begged me to lend it to him. Perhaps because I was baptized with the original GAMEBOY, I still have trouble adjusting to the eveloved 3D games. In my mind, the game I was most passionate about playing was the original GAMEBOY.